Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import logging
import os

import numpy as np

from topik.fileio import read_input
from topik import tokenizers, vectorizers, models, visualizers
from topik.visualizers.termite_plot import termite_html

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s',

BASEDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

[docs]def run_pipeline(data_source, source_type="auto", year_field=None, start_year=None, stop_year=None, content_field=None, tokenizer='simple', vectorizer='bag_of_words', ntopics=10, dir_path='./topic_model', model='lda', termite_plot=False, output_file=False, lda_vis=True, seed=42, **kwargs): """Run your data through all topik functionality and save all results to a specified directory. Parameters ---------- data_source : str Input data (e.g. file or folder or solr/elasticsearch instance). source_type : {'json_stream', 'folder_files', 'json_large', 'solr', 'elastic'}. The format of your data input. Currently available a json stream or a folder containing text files. Default is 'json_stream' year_field : str The field name (if any) that contains the year associated with each document (for filtering). start_year : int For beginning of range filter on year_field values stop_year : int For beginning of range filter on year_field values content_field : string The primary text field to parse. tokenizer : {'simple', 'collocations', 'entities', 'mixed'} The type of tokenizer to use. Default is 'simple'. vectorizer : {'bag_of_words', 'tfidf'} The type of vectorizer to use. Default is 'bag_of_words'. ntopics : int Number of topics to find in your data dir_path : str Directory path to store all topic modeling results files. Default is `./topic_model`. model : {'LDA', 'PLSA'}. Statistical modeling algorithm to use. Default 'LDA'. termite_plot : bool Generate termite plot of your model if True. Default is True. ldavis : bool Generate an interactive data visualization of your topics. Default is False. seed : int Set random number generator to seed, to be able to reproduce results. Default 42. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments, passed through to each individual step """ np.random.seed(seed) raw_data = read_input(data_source, content_field=content_field, source_type=source_type, **kwargs) raw_data = ((hash(item[content_field]), item[content_field]) for item in raw_data) tokenized_data = tokenizers.registered_tokenizers[tokenizer](raw_data, **kwargs) vectorized_data = vectorizers.registered_vectorizers[vectorizer](tokenized_data, **kwargs) model = models.registered_models[model](vectorized_data, ntopics=ntopics, **kwargs) if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.mkdir(dir_path) if termite_plot: termite_html(model, filename="termite.html", plot_title="Termite plot", topn=15) if lda_vis: visualizers.visualize(model, "lda_vis")