Source code for topik.intermediaries.raw_data

This file is concerned with providing a simple interface for data stored in
Elasticsearch.  The class(es) defined here are fed into the preprocessing step.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
import logging
import time

from six import with_metaclass

from topik.intermediaries.persistence import Persistor
from topik.tokenizers import tokenizer_methods
from topik.intermediaries.digested_document_collection import DigestedDocumentCollection

registered_outputs = {}

[docs]def register_output(cls): global registered_outputs if cls.class_key() not in registered_outputs: registered_outputs[cls.class_key()] = cls return cls
def _get_hash_identifier(input_data, id_field): return hash(input_data[id_field]) def _get_parameters_string(**kwargs): """Used to create identifiers for output""" id = ''.join('{}={}_'.format(key, val) for key, val in sorted(kwargs.items())) return id[:-1]
[docs]class CorpusInterface(with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): def __init__(self): super(CorpusInterface, self).__init__() self.persistor = Persistor() @classmethod @abstractmethod
[docs] def class_key(cls): """Implement this method to return the string ID with which to store your class.""" raise NotImplementedError
@abstractmethod def __iter__(self): """This is expected to iterate over your data, returning tuples of (doc_id, <selected field>)""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __len__(self): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod
[docs] def get_generator_without_id(self, field=None): """Returns a generator that yields field content without doc_id associate""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def append_to_record(self, record_id, field_name, field_value): """Used to store preprocessed output alongside input data. Field name is destination. Value is processed value.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_date_filtered_data(self, start, end, field): raise NotImplementedError
@abstractproperty def filter_string(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def save(self, filename, saved_data=None): """Persist this object to disk somehow. You can save your data in any number of files in any format, but at a minimum, you need one json file that describes enough to bootstrap the loading prcess. Namely, you must have a key called 'class' so that upon loading the output, the correct class can be instantiated and used to load any other data. You don't have to implement anything for saved_data, but it is stored as a key next to 'class'. """ self.persistor.store_corpus({"class": self.__class__.class_key(), "saved_data": saved_data}) self.persistor.persist_data(filename)
[docs] def synchronize(self, max_wait, field): """By default, operations are synchronous and no additional wait is necessary. Data sources that are asynchronous (ElasticSearch) may use this function to wait for "eventual consistency" """ pass
[docs] def tokenize(self, method="simple", synchronous_wait=30, **kwargs): """Convert data to lowercase; tokenize; create bag of words collection. Output from this function is used as input to modeling steps. raw_data: iterable corpus object containing the text to be processed. Each iteration call should return a new document's content. tokenizer_method: string id of tokenizer to use. For keys, see topik.tokenizers.tokenizer_methods (which is a dictionary of classes) kwargs: arbitrary dicionary of extra parameters. These are passed both to the tokenizer and to the vectorizer steps. """ parameters_string = _get_parameters_string(method=method, **kwargs) token_path = "tokens_"+parameters_string for record_id, raw_record in self: tokenized_record = tokenizer_methods[method](raw_record, **kwargs) # TODO: would be nice to aggregate batches and append in bulk self.append_to_record(record_id, token_path, tokenized_record) self.synchronize(max_wait=synchronous_wait, field=token_path) return DigestedDocumentCollection(self.get_field(field=token_path))
[docs]class ElasticSearchCorpus(CorpusInterface): def __init__(self, source, index, content_field, doc_type=None, query=None, iterable=None, filter_expression="", **kwargs): from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch super(ElasticSearchCorpus, self).__init__() self.hosts = source self.instance = Elasticsearch(hosts=source, **kwargs) self.index = index self.content_field = content_field self.doc_type = doc_type self.query = query if iterable: self.import_from_iterable(iterable, content_field) self.filter_expression = filter_expression @classmethod
[docs] def class_key(cls): return "elastic"
@property def filter_string(self): return self.filter_expression def __iter__(self): from elasticsearch import helpers results = helpers.scan(self.instance, index=self.index, query=self.query, doc_type=self.doc_type) for result in results: yield result["_id"], result['_source'][self.content_field] def __len__(self): return self.instance.count(index=self.index, doc_type=self.doc_type)["count"]
[docs] def get_generator_without_id(self, field=None): if not field: field = self.content_field for (_, result) in ElasticSearchCorpus(self.hosts, self.index, field, self.doc_type, self.query): yield result
[docs] def append_to_record(self, record_id, field_name, field_value): self.instance.update(index=self.index, id=record_id, doc_type="continuum", body={"doc": {field_name: field_value}})
[docs] def get_field(self, field=None): """Get a different field to iterate over, keeping all other connection details.""" if not field: field = self.content_field return ElasticSearchCorpus(self.hosts, self.index, field, self.doc_type, self.query)
[docs] def import_from_iterable(self, iterable, id_field="text", batch_size=500): """Load data into Elasticsearch from iterable. iterable: generally a list of dicts, but possibly a list of strings This is your data. Your dictionary structure defines the schema of the elasticsearch index. id_field: string identifier of field to hash for content ID. For list of dicts, a valid key value in the dictionary is required. For list of strings, a dictionary with one key, "text" is created and used. """ from elasticsearch import helpers batch = [] for item in iterable: if isinstance(item, basestring): item = {id_field: item} id = _get_hash_identifier(item, id_field) action = {'_op_type': 'update', '_index': self.index, '_type': 'continuum', '_id': id, 'doc': item, 'doc_as_upsert': "true", } batch.append(action) if len(batch) >= batch_size: helpers.bulk(client=self.instance, actions=batch, index=self.index) batch = [] if batch: helpers.bulk(client=self.instance, actions=batch, index=self.index) self.instance.indices.refresh(self.index)
[docs] def convert_date_field_and_reindex(self, field): index = self.index if self.instance.indices.get_field_mapping(field=field, index=index, doc_type="continuum") != 'date': index = self.index+"_{}_alias_date".format(field) if not self.instance.indices.exists(index) or self.instance.indices.get_field_mapping(field=field, index=index, doc_type="continuum") != 'date': mapping = self.instance.indices.get_mapping(index=self.index, doc_type="continuum") mapping[self.index]["mappings"]["continuum"]["properties"][field] = {"type": "date"} self.instance.indices.put_alias(index=self.index, name=index, body=mapping) self.instance.indices.refresh(index) while self.instance.count(index=self.index) != self.instance.count(index=index):"Waiting for date indexed data to be indexed...") time.sleep(1) return index # TODO: validate input data to ensure that it has valid year data
[docs] def get_date_filtered_data(self, start, end, field="date"): converted_index = self.convert_date_field_and_reindex(field=field) return ElasticSearchCorpus(self.hosts, converted_index, self.content_field, self.doc_type, query={"query": {"filtered": {"filter": {"range": {field: {"gte": start, "lte": end}}}}}}, filter_expression=self.filter_expression + "_date_{}_{}".format(start, end))
[docs] def save(self, filename, saved_data=None): if saved_data is None: saved_data = {"source": self.hosts, "index": self.index, "content_field": self.content_field, "doc_type": self.doc_type, "query": self.query} return super(ElasticSearchCorpus, self).save(filename, saved_data)
[docs] def synchronize(self, max_wait, field): # TODO: change this to a more general condition for wider use, including read_input # could just pass in a string condition and then 'while not eval(condition)' count_not_yet_updated = -1 while count_not_yet_updated != 0: count_not_yet_updated = self.instance.count(index=self.index, doc_type=self.doc_type, body={"query": { "constant_score" : { "filter" : { "missing" : { "field" : field}}}}})['count'] logging.debug("Count not yet updated: {}".format(count_not_yet_updated)) time.sleep(0.01) pass
[docs]class DictionaryCorpus(CorpusInterface): def __init__(self, content_field, iterable=None, generate_id=True, reference_field=None, content_filter=None): super(DictionaryCorpus, self).__init__() self.content_field = content_field self._documents = [] self.idx = 0 active_field = None if reference_field: self.reference_field = reference_field active_field = content_field content_field = reference_field else: self.reference_field = content_field if iterable: self.import_from_iterable(iterable, content_field, generate_id) if active_field: self.content_field = active_field self.content_filter = content_filter @classmethod
[docs] def class_key(cls): return "dictionary"
def __iter__(self): for doc in self._documents: if self.content_filter: if eval(self.content_filter["expression"].format(doc["_source"][self.content_filter["field"]])): yield doc["_id"], doc["_source"][self.content_field] else: yield doc["_id"], doc["_source"][self.content_field] def __len__(self): return len(self._documents) @property def filter_string(self): return self.content_filter["expression"].format(self.content_filter["field"]) if self.content_filter else ""
[docs] def append_to_record(self, record_id, field_name, field_value): for doc in self._documents: if doc["_id"] == record_id: doc["_source"][field_name] = field_value return raise ValueError("No record with id '{}' was found.".format(record_id))
[docs] def get_field(self, field=None): """Get a different field to iterate over, keeping all other details.""" if not field: field = self.content_field return DictionaryCorpus(content_field=field, iterable=self._documents, generate_id=False, reference_field=self.content_field)
[docs] def get_generator_without_id(self, field=None): if not field: field = self.content_field for doc in self._documents: yield doc["_source"][field]
[docs] def import_from_iterable(self, iterable, content_field, generate_id=True): """ iterable: generally a list of dicts, but possibly a list of strings This is your data. Your dictionary structure defines the schema of the elasticsearch index. """ if generate_id: self._documents = [{"_id": hash(doc[content_field]), "_source": doc} for doc in iterable] self.reference_field = content_field else: self._documents = [item for item in iterable] # TODO: generalize for datetimes # TODO: validate input data to ensure that it has valid year data
[docs] def get_date_filtered_data(self, start, end, field="year"): return DictionaryCorpus(content_field=field, iterable=self._documents, generate_id=False, reference_field=self.content_field, content_filter={"field": field, "expression": "{}<=int({})<={}".format(start, "{}", end)})
[docs] def save(self, filename, saved_data=None): if saved_data is None: saved_data = {"reference_field": self.reference_field, "content_field": self.content_field, "iterable": [doc["_source"] for doc in self._documents]} return super(DictionaryCorpus, self).save(filename, saved_data)
[docs]def load_persisted_corpus(filename): corpus_dict = Persistor(filename).get_corpus_dict() return registered_outputs[corpus_dict['class']](**corpus_dict["saved_data"])