Source code for topik.visualizers.termite_plot

import blaze as blz

from odo import into
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bokeh import plotting as plt
from bokeh.models import sources

from ._registry import register
from topik.models.tests.test_data import test_model_output

def _get_top_words(modeled_corpus, topn):
    top_words = []
    # each "topic" is a row of the dz matrix
    for topic_id, topic_term_dist in modeled_corpus.topic_term_matrix.items():
        word_ids = np.argpartition(topic_term_dist, -topn)[-topn:]
        word_ids = reversed(np.array(word_ids)[np.argsort(np.array(topic_term_dist)[word_ids])])
        top_words.append([(int(topic_id[5:]), topic_term_dist[word_id],
                           modeled_corpus.vocab[word_id]) for word_id in word_ids])
    return top_words

def _termite_data(modeled_corpus, topn):
    top_words = _get_top_words(modeled_corpus, topn=topn)
    from itertools import chain
    top_words_df = pd.DataFrame(list(chain.from_iterable([{"topic": topic_id, "weight": weight, "word": word}
                                                  for topic_id, weight, word in topic] for topic in top_words)))
    return top_words_df.sort('topic')

[docs]def termite(modeled_corpus, plot_title="Termite plot", topn=15): """A Bokeh Termite Visualization for LDA results analysis. Parameters ---------- input_file : str or pandas DataFrame A pandas dataframe from a topik model get_termite_data() containing columns "word", "topic" and "weight". May also be a string, in which case the string is a filename of a csv file with the above columns. title : str The title for your termite plot Examples -------- >>> plot = termite(test_model_output, plot_title="My model results", topn=5) """ prepared_model_vis_data = _termite_data(modeled_corpus, topn) t = blz.Data(prepared_model_vis_data) MAX = blz.compute(t.weight.max()) MIN = blz.compute(t.weight.min()) # Create a size variable to define the size of the the circle for the plot. t = blz.transform(t, size=blz.sqrt((t.weight - MIN)/(MAX - MIN))*50) WORDS = t['word'].distinct() WORDS = into(list, WORDS) topics = t['topic'].distinct() topics = into(list, topics) # Convert topics to strings TOPICS = [str(i) for i in topics] source = into(pd.DataFrame, t) data_source = sources.ColumnDataSource(source) p = plt.figure(x_range=TOPICS, y_range=WORDS, plot_width=1000, plot_height=1700, title=plot_title)"topic", y="word", size="size", fill_alpha=0.6, source=data_source) return p
[docs]def termite_html(modeled_corpus, filename, plot_title="Termite plot", topn=15): plt.output_file(filename, plot_title) p = termite(modeled_corpus, plot_title=plot_title, topn=topn)