Source code for topik.tokenizers

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import itertools
import logging
import re

# imports used only for doctests
from topik.tests import test_data_path

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s',

[docs]def tokenize_simple(text, min_length=1, stopwords=None): """A text tokenizer that simply lowercases, matches alphabetic characters and removes stopwords. Parameters ---------- text : str A single document's text to be tokenized entities : iterable of str Collection of noun phrases, obtained from collect_entities function min_length : int Minimum length of any single word stopwords: None or iterable of str Collection of words to ignore as tokens Examples -------- >>> from topik.readers import read_input >>> id_documents = read_input( ... '{}/test_data_json_stream.json'.format(test_data_path), ... content_field="abstract") >>> id, doc_text = next(iter(id_documents)) >>> doc_text u'Transition metal oxides are being considered as the next generation \ materials in field such as electronics and advanced catalysts; between\ them is Tantalum (V) Oxide; however, there are few reports for the \ synthesis of this material at the nanometer size which could have \ unusual properties. Hence, in this work we present the synthesis of \ Ta2O5 nanorods by sol gel method using DNA as structure directing \ agent, the size of the nanorods was of the order of 40 to 100 nm in \ diameter and several microns in length; this easy method can be useful\ in the preparation of nanomaterials for electronics, biomedical \ applications as well as catalysts.' >>> tokens = tokenize_simple(doc_text) >>> tokens [u'transition', u'metal', u'oxides', u'considered', \ u'generation', u'materials', u'field', u'electronics', \ u'advanced', u'catalysts', u'tantalum', u'v', u'oxide', \ u'reports', u'synthesis', u'material', u'nanometer', u'size', \ u'unusual', u'properties', u'work', u'present', u'synthesis', \ u'ta', u'o', u'nanorods', u'sol', u'gel', u'method', u'dna', \ u'structure', u'directing', u'agent', u'size', u'nanorods', \ u'order', u'nm', u'diameter', u'microns', u'length', u'easy', \ u'method', u'useful', u'preparation', u'nanomaterials', u'electronics', \ u'biomedical', u'applications', u'catalysts'] """ import gensim if not stopwords: from gensim.parsing.preprocessing import STOPWORDS as stopwords return [word for word in gensim.utils.tokenize(text, lower=True) if word not in stopwords and len(word) >= min_length]
[docs]def collect_bigrams_and_trigrams(collection, top_n=10000, min_length=1, min_bigram_freq=50, min_trigram_freq=20, stopwords=None): """collects bigrams and trigrams from collection of documents. Input to collocation tokenizer. bigrams are pairs of words that recur in the collection; trigrams are triplets. Parameters ---------- collection : iterable of str body of documents to examine top_n : int limit results to this many entries min_length : int Minimum length of any single word min_bigram_freq : int threshold of when to consider a pair of words as a recognized bigram min_trigram_freq : int threshold of when to consider a triplet of words as a recognized trigram stopwords : None or iterable of str Collection of words to ignore as tokens Examples -------- >>> from topik.readers import read_input >>> raw_data = read_input( ... '{}/test_data_json_stream.json'.format(test_data_path), ... content_field="abstract") >>> bigrams, trigrams = collect_bigrams_and_trigrams(raw_data, min_bigram_freq=5, min_trigram_freq=3) >>> bigrams.pattern u'(free standing|ac electrodeposition|centered cubic|spatial resolution|vapor deposition\ |wear resistance|plastic deformation|electrical conductivity|field magnets|v o|\ transmission electron|x ray|et al|ray diffraction|electron microscopy|room \ temperature|diffraction xrd|electron microscope|results indicate|scanning \ electron|m s|doped zno|microscopy tem|polymer matrix|size distribution|mechanical \ properties|grain size|diameters nm|high spatial|particle size|high resolution|ni \ al|diameter nm|range nm|high field|high strength|c c)' >>> trigrams.pattern u'(differential scanning calorimetry|face centered cubic|ray microanalysis analytical|\ physical vapor deposition|transmission electron microscopy|x ray diffraction|microanalysis \ analytical electron|chemical vapor deposition|high aspect ratio|analytical electron \ microscope|ray diffraction xrd|x ray microanalysis|high spatial resolution|high \ field magnets|atomic force microscopy|electron microscopy tem|narrow size distribution\ |scanning electron microscopy|building high field|silicon oxide nanowires|particle size \ nm)' """ from nltk.collocations import TrigramCollocationFinder from nltk.metrics import BigramAssocMeasures, TrigramAssocMeasures # generator of documents, turn each element to its list of words documents = (tokenize_simple(text, min_length=min_length, stopwords=stopwords) for text in collection.get_generator_without_id()) # generator, concatenate (chain) all words into a single sequence, lazily words = itertools.chain.from_iterable(documents) tcf = TrigramCollocationFinder.from_words(iter(words)) tcf.apply_freq_filter(min_trigram_freq) trigrams = [' '.join(w) for w in tcf.nbest(TrigramAssocMeasures.chi_sq, top_n)]"%i trigrams found: %s..." % (len(trigrams), trigrams[:20])) bcf = tcf.bigram_finder() bcf.apply_freq_filter(min_bigram_freq) bigrams = [' '.join(w) for w in bcf.nbest(BigramAssocMeasures.pmi, top_n)]"%i bigrams found: %s..." % (len(bigrams), bigrams[:20])) bigrams_patterns = re.compile('(%s)' % '|'.join(bigrams), re.UNICODE) trigrams_patterns = re.compile('(%s)' % '|'.join(trigrams), re.UNICODE) return bigrams_patterns, trigrams_patterns
[docs]def tokenize_collocation(text, patterns, min_length=1, stopwords=None): """A text tokenizer that includes collocations(bigrams and trigrams). A collocation is sequence of words or terms that co-occur more often than would be expected by chance. This function breaks a raw document up into tokens based on a pre-established collection of bigrams and trigrams. This collection is derived from a body of many documents, and must be obtained in a prior step using the collect_bigrams_and_trigrams function. Uses nltk.collocations.TrigramCollocationFinder to find trigrams and bigrams. Parameters ---------- text : str A single document's text to be tokenized patterns: tuple of compiled regex object to find n-grams Obtained from collect_bigrams_and_trigrams function min_length : int Minimum length of any single word stopwords : None or iterable of str Collection of words to ignore as tokens Examples -------- >>> from topik.readers import read_input >>> id_documents = read_input('{}/test_data_json_stream.json'.format(test_data_path), content_field="abstract") >>> patterns = collect_bigrams_and_trigrams(id_documents, min_bigram_freq=2, min_trigram_freq=2) >>> id, doc_text = next(iter(id_documents)) >>> tokenized_text = tokenize_collocation(doc_text, patterns) >>> tokenized_text [u'transition_metal', u'oxides', u'considered', u'generation', \ u'materials', u'field', u'electronics', u'advanced', u'catalysts', \ u'tantalum', u'v_oxide', u'reports', u'synthesis_material', \ u'nanometer_size', u'unusual', u'properties', u'work_present', \ u'synthesis', u'ta', u'o', u'nanorods', u'sol', u'gel', u'method', \ u'dna', u'structure', u'directing', u'agent', u'size', u'nanorods', \ u'order', u'nm_diameter', u'microns', u'length', u'easy', u'method', \ u'useful', u'preparation', u'nanomaterials', u'electronics', u'biomedical', \ u'applications', u'catalysts'] """ text = ' '.join(tokenize_simple(text, min_length=min_length, stopwords=stopwords)) for pattern in patterns: text = re.sub(pattern, lambda match:' ', '_'), text) return text.split()
[docs]def collect_entities(collection, freq_min=2, freq_max=10000): """Return noun phrases from collection of documents. Parameters ---------- collection: Corpus-base derived object or iterable collection of raw text freq_min: int Minimum frequency of a noun phrase occurrences in order to retrieve it. Default is 2. freq_max: int Maximum frequency of a noun phrase occurrences in order to retrieve it. Default is 10000. """ from textblob import TextBlob np_counts_total = {} docs_examined = 0 for doc in collection.get_generator_without_id(): if docs_examined > 0 and docs_examined % 1000 == 0: sorted_phrases = sorted(np_counts_total.items(), key=lambda item: -item[1]) np_counts_total = dict(sorted_phrases)"at document #%i, considering %i phrases: %s..." % (docs_examined, len(np_counts_total), sorted_phrases[0])) for np in TextBlob(doc).noun_phrases: np_counts_total[np] = np_counts_total.get(np, 0) + 1 docs_examined += 1 # Remove noun phrases in the list that have higher frequencies than 'freq_max' or lower frequencies than 'freq_min' np_counts = {} for np, count in np_counts_total.items(): if freq_max >= count >= freq_min: np_counts[np] = count return set(np_counts)
[docs]def tokenize_entities(text, entities, min_length=1, stopwords=None): """A tokenizer that extracts noun phrases from text. Requires that you first establish entities using the collect_entities function Parameters ---------- text : str A single document's text to be tokenized entities : iterable of str Collection of noun phrases, obtained from collect_entities function min_length : int Minimum length of any single word stopwords : None or iterable of str Collection of words to ignore as tokens Examples -------- >>> from topik.readers import read_input >>> id_documents = read_input('{}/test_data_json_stream.json'.format(test_data_path), "abstract") >>> entities = collect_entities(id_documents) >>> len(entities) 220 >>> i = iter(id_documents) >>> _, doc_text = next(i) >>> doc_text u'Transition metal oxides are being considered as the next generation \ materials in field such as electronics and advanced catalysts; between\ them is Tantalum (V) Oxide; however, there are few reports for the \ synthesis of this material at the nanometer size which could have \ unusual properties. Hence, in this work we present the synthesis of \ Ta2O5 nanorods by sol gel method using DNA as structure directing \ agent, the size of the nanorods was of the order of 40 to 100 nm in \ diameter and several microns in length; this easy method can be useful\ in the preparation of nanomaterials for electronics, biomedical \ applications as well as catalysts.' >>> tokenized_text = tokenize_entities(doc_text, entities) >>> tokenized_text [u'transition'] """ from textblob import TextBlob result = [] for np in TextBlob(text).noun_phrases: if np in entities: # filter out stop words tmp = "_".join(tokenize_simple(np, min_length=min_length, stopwords=stopwords)) # if we end up with nothing, don't append an empty string if tmp: result.append(tmp) return result
[docs]def tokenize_mixed(text, entities, min_length=1, stopwords=None): """A text tokenizer that retrieves entities ('noun phrases') first and simple words for the rest of the text. Parameters ---------- text : str A single document's text to be tokenized entities : iterable of str Collection of noun phrases, obtained from collect_entities function min_length : int Minimum length of any single word stopwords: None or iterable of str Collection of words to ignore as tokens Examples -------- >>> from topik.readers import read_input >>> raw_data = read_input('{}/test_data_json_stream.json'.format(test_data_path), content_field="abstract") >>> entities = collect_entities(raw_data) >>> id, text = next(iter(raw_data)) >>> tokenized_text = tokenize_mixed(text, entities, min_length=3) >>> tokenized_text [u'transition', u'metal', u'oxides', u'generation', u'materials', u'tantalum', \ u'oxide', u'nanometer', u'size', u'unusual', u'properties', u'sol', u'gel', \ u'method', u'dna', u'easy', u'method', u'biomedical', u'applications'] """ from textblob import TextBlob result = [] for np in TextBlob(text).noun_phrases: if ' ' in np and np not in entities: # break apart the noun phrase; it does not occur often enough in the collection of text to be considered. result.extend(tokenize_simple(np, min_length=min_length, stopwords=stopwords)) else: # filter out stop words tmp = "_".join(tokenize_simple(np, min_length=min_length, stopwords=stopwords)) # if we end up with nothing, don't append an empty string if tmp: result.append(tmp) return result # Add additional methods here as necessary to expose them to outside consumers.
tokenizer_methods = {"simple": tokenize_simple, "collocation": tokenize_collocation, "entities": tokenize_entities, "mixed": tokenize_mixed }