Source code for topik.models.plsa

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import math
import operator
import random

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .model_base import TopicModelBase, register_model
from topik.intermediaries.raw_data import load_persisted_corpus

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s',

# def _rand_mat(sizex, sizey):
#     ret = []
#     for i in xrange(sizex):
#         ret.append([])
#         for _ in xrange(sizey):
#             ret[-1].append(random.random())
#         norm = sum(ret[-1])
#         for j in xrange(sizey):
#             ret[-1][j] /= norm
#     return ret

def _rand_mat(cols, rows):
    out = np.random.random((rows, cols))
    for row in out:
        row /= row.sum()
    return out

[docs]class PLSA(TopicModelBase): def __init__(self, corpus=None, ntopics=2, load_filename=None, binary_filename=None): # corpus comes in as a list of lists of tuples. Each inner list represents a document, while each # tuple contains (id, count) of words in that document. self.topics = ntopics self.topic_array = np.arange(ntopics, dtype=np.int32) if corpus: # iterable, each entry is tuple of (word_id, count) self._corpus = corpus # total number of identified words for each given document (document length normalization factor?) self.each = map(sum, map(lambda x: x[1], corpus)) # Maximum identified word (number of identified words in corpus) # TODO: seems like this could be tracked better during the tokenization step and fed in. self.words = len(corpus._dict.token2id) self.likelihood = 0 # topic-word matrix = _rand_mat(self.words, self.topics) # document-topic matrix = _rand_mat(self.topics, len(corpus)) self.dw_z = [{}, ] * len(corpus) self.p_dw = [{}, ] * len(corpus) self.beta = 0.8 elif load_filename and binary_filename: from topik.intermediaries.digested_document_collection import DigestedDocumentCollection self._corpus = DigestedDocumentCollection(load_persisted_corpus(load_filename)) # total number of identified words for each given document (document length normalization factor?) self.each = map(sum, map(lambda x: x[1], self._corpus)) # Maximum identified word (number of identified words in corpus) # TODO: seems like this could be tracked better during the tokenization step and fed in. self.words = max(reduce(operator.add, map(lambda x: x[0], self._corpus)))+1 arrays = np.load(binary_filename) = arrays['zw'] = arrays['dz'] self.dw_z = arrays['dw_z'] self.p_dw = arrays['p_dw'] self.beta, self.likelihood = arrays["beta_likelihood"] else: pass # is just being used for inference
[docs] def save(self, filename): np.savez_compressed(self.get_model_name_with_parameters(),,, dw_z=self.dw_z, p_dw=self.p_dw, beta_likelihood=np.array([self.beta, self.likelihood])) saved_data = {"load_filename": filename, "binary_filename": self.get_model_name_with_parameters()+".npz"} super(PLSA, self).save(filename, saved_data=saved_data)
[docs] def get_model_name_with_parameters(self): return "PLSA_{}_topics{}".format(self.topics, self._corpus.filter_string)
def _cal_p_dw(self): for d, doc in enumerate(self._corpus): for word_id, word_ct in doc: tmp = 0 for _ in range(word_ct): for z in self.topic_array: tmp += ([z][word_id]*[d][z])**self.beta self.p_dw[-1][word_id] = tmp def _e_step(self): self._cal_p_dw() for d, doc in enumerate(self._corpus): for word_id, word_ct in doc: self.dw_z[-1][word_id] = [] for z in self.topic_array: self.dw_z[-1][word_id].append((([z][word_id]*[d][z])**self.beta)/self.p_dw[d][word_id]) def _m_step(self): for z in self.topic_array:[z] = [0]*self.words for d, doc in enumerate(self._corpus): for word_id, word_ct in doc:[z][word_id] += word_ct*self.dw_z[d][word_id][z] norm = sum([z]) for w in xrange(self.words):[z][w] /= norm for d, doc in enumerate(self._corpus):[d] = 0 for z in self.topic_array: for word_id, word_ct in doc:[d][z] += word_ct * self.dw_z[d][word_id][z] for z in self.topic_array:[d][z] /= self.each[d] def _cal_likelihood(self): self.likelihood = 0 for d, doc in enumerate(self._corpus): for word_id, word_ct in doc: self.likelihood += word_ct*math.log(self.p_dw[d][word_id])
[docs] def train(self, max_iter=100): cur = 0 for i in xrange(max_iter):'%d iter' % i) self._e_step() self._m_step() self._cal_likelihood()'likelihood %f ' % self.likelihood) if cur != 0 and abs((self.likelihood-cur)/cur) < 1e-8: break cur = self.likelihood
[docs] def inference(self, doc, max_iter=100): doc = dict(filter(lambda x: x[0] < self.words, doc.items())) words = sum(doc.values()) ret = [] for i in xrange(self.topics): ret.append(random.random()) norm = sum(ret) for i in xrange(self.topics): ret[i] /= norm tmp = 0 for _ in xrange(max_iter): p_dw = {} for w in doc: p_dw[w] = 0 for _ in range(doc[w]): for z in xrange(self.topics): p_dw[w] += (ret[z]*[z][w])**self.beta # e setp dw_z = {} for w in doc: dw_z[w] = [] for z in xrange(self.topics): dw_z[w].append((([z][w]*ret[z])**self.beta)/p_dw[w]) logging.debug('inference dw_z %r' % (dw_z,)) # m step ret = [0]*self.topics for z in xrange(self.topics): for w in doc: ret[z] += doc[w]*dw_z[w][z] for z in xrange(self.topics): ret[z] /= words # cal likelihood likelihood = 0 for w in doc: likelihood += doc[w]*math.log(p_dw[w]) if tmp != 0 and abs((likelihood-tmp)/tmp) < 1e-8: break tmp = likelihood return (ret, likelihood)
[docs] def post_prob_sim(self, docd, q): sim = 0 for w in docd: tmp = 0 for z in xrange(self.topics): tmp +=[z][w]*q[z] sim += docd[w]*math.log(tmp) return sim
[docs] def get_top_words(self, topn): top_words = [] # each "topic" is a row of the dz matrix for topic in word_ids = np.argpartition(topic, -topn)[-topn:] word_ids = reversed(word_ids[np.argsort(topic[word_ids])]) top_words.append([(topic[word_id], self._corpus.get_id2word_dict()[word_id]) for word_id in word_ids]) return top_words
def _get_topic_term_dists(self): term_topic_df = pd.DataFrame(, index=['topic'+str(t)+'dist' for t in range(self.topics)]).T = 'term_id' return term_topic_df def _get_doc_topic_dists(self): doc_topic_df = pd.DataFrame(, index=[doc[0] for doc in self._corpus._corpus], columns=['topic'+str(t)+'dist' for t in range(self.topics)]) = 'doc_id' return doc_topic_df